Monday, August 5, 2013

Getting ready for sleep

Getting ready for bed is a bit of a process here in the Gruber Haus
First, Eddie gets a clean shirt, the Apnea belt put on, rocked to sleep and tucked in to bed.
Then I get the Nasal Cannula ready for bed. During the day and for naps and things, I try not to use tape. The tubing lasts longer this way, and doesn't get gross, so I use two separate cannulas, one for bed, and one for day.
   I get the tape ready, and make sure there is enough water in the humidifier. I wipe down his nasal cannula as well. One lasts about three days before it gets too gross to use .
Then I tape it to his wee little face. I use a lot because he moves around a lot in his sleep .
Then I plug him in to the monitor, and turn it on. The lights go red when something happens, and it emits a loud, ear piercing beep.
I make sure it is reading everything the way it should be. It records all apnea events in to its internal memory. Every three weeks or so I have to drive it out to have them clear it off because it gets too full.
I put it on the bed by my pillow, it is loud, but I don't want to risk sleeping through it. The thought of that terrifies me. I don't worry during the day , because I am awake, and will hear it.
And then? I go to bed. :)

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